Saturday, September 15, 2007


Well, here I am at the Colorado Gold Writers' Conference and this morning I pitched a mainstream version of Baby, oh Baby to Raelene Gorlinsky of Ellora's Cave. My first pitch, and I had WAAAAAY too many margaritas last night!

So ..... I've been asked for the first 3 chapters, the last chapter, and a 2-3 page synopsis!!!! WHOO-HOO!!!

She was lovely (wears great hats!) and asked all the right questions of this nervous first timer!

Now I'm going to get moving on that last minute polish and figure out how to make my one paragraph pitch into a 2-3 page synopsis! ACK!

Thank you to all those who have been cheering for me as I take this next step toward .... dare I say it .... being a published author!

1 comment:

kenigma said...


I'm an aspiring novelist myself but for the time being, have given up on that idea and instead I've created a website to have novels and short stories available for download for free. However the author will have total control and ownership of your work (eg. it will be removed as soon as he/she wants it removed).

In the future, I'm hoping to create a reader-pays system whereby, for example, the first few chapters are free to download but readers will have to pay whatever amount that the author wants to charge to download the entire novel.

I came across your blog via Google.

How's your aspiring writing career going? I wonder how your manuscript went with that agent?

Anyway, if you're interested in having your novel posted on the site, it's at

Best of luck!