Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Cool Happenings

Jeanne Stein mentioned me this week on the blog she shares with two other Denver area writers, Biting Edge." It's the first time I've been mentioned on a blog (that I know of). :D That's really cool. I'm all giggly about it!

And finally, contratulations to John Turley, from Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers (RMFW), took first place in the Bay Area Writer's League short story contest. He just signed the contract to have his story included in a new Anthology they are publishing called, "That Thing You Do, Too." John's advice to authors ... that I am sharing with you now ... "Can't publish if you don't write and can't win if you don't enter."

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Writers' groups

I have recently joined the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers (RMFW). What a terrific organization! It is comprised of both published authors and unpublished authors with a friendly, helpful atmosphere and a depth of great experience and knowledge to share.

Last Saturday New York Times Best-Selling author Joan Johnston gave a program on "Writing the Unputdownable Novel" that was interesting and exciting. I learned a lot, and I am extremely grateful to Joan and her generosity to fellow writers in both sharing her professional style and her great sense of humor in her presentation. Joan writes primarily contemporary western romance, a genre I've never been drawn to until I heard her this weekend. Wow, I'm now chomping at the bit to jump into some of her works. And that is the main reason any aspiring author should join into a local writers' group, exposure to authors of different genres and the opportunity to learn from masters of their craft.

On their web site, the RMFW states they offer four things essential to writers ..

  • Support for each member, published or unpublished.
  • Education through critique groups, workshops, programs, & the annual Colorado Gold Writing Contest.
  • Access to agents and editors from major publishing houses via our annual Colorado Gold Conference. Recognized as one of the best in the country!
  • Monthly news & articles through the Rocky Mountain Writer. The official newsletter of RMFW.

This is a lot of support and information for the $45/year dues. Joan's program this weekend was worth more than that. I must thank Jeanne C. Stein (a terrific local author whom I met at the Romantic Times Convention this spring) for pointing me toward this great group and for being my friend.


Jeanne has a book coming out at the end of November. The Becoming, a paranormal about Anna Strong, a bounty hunter, who discovers strength she didn't know she had in a strange twist of fate. It's quite wonderful. Don't miss it!

Joan Johnston's newest releases include The Next Mrs. Blackthorne, Hawk's Way Brides, and Texas Brides.