Monday, August 02, 2010

Writing Manually

I attended a wonderful workshop by Anne Randolph a few weeks ago. She extolled the advantages of writing longhand ... on paper ... with a pen! How long has it been since any of us did anything more complicated longhand than signing a check or making a grocery list? She gave us a few assignments in the workshop, and I was stunned at how differently my creative process worked. My language was somehow more fluid and colorful than when I type on my computer.

Then I spent a week with my mother down in Texas. I took my netbook but didn't use it for writing. I took a journal one of my daughters had given me for my birthday, and I wrote in it. I'm still surprised at it. Yes, it was frustrating because I type much faster than I write longhand, but then again, that was kind of the point. It gave me a chance to use better words, to enjoy the artistry of loops and dips below the line, and to think while I was writing. Pretty nifty overall.

I'll be translating that from my journal to the computer later today and then submitting it to my critique group for next week. It will be interesting to discover if they see a difference. Cool.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Write .... just write

It's time to use my writer's blog again, after all, it's been two years since I posted here with any regularity. It's time to crank up the blog writing if for no other reason than to write!

I've updated the look of my blog (very Colorado, I think), will edit down some of the old archive stuff and go to town with personal thoughts, links to interesting articles, info on writing classes, and whatever makes me think these days.

I'm starting with a link from Mark Terry's blog. I don't know Mark, I was passed the link on the RMFW email loop today and it fired me up. His article, This Writing Life: No Apologies, is great. Or rather it was great for me. Yes, on the surface it starts out sexist, but that's not what this is about. It's about writing, it's about not being perfect, or finishing today, or writing something magnificent every day. It's about being pleased that ou are writing at all.

I can SO identify with that. So with that .... I'm off to hammer out some pages and edits on my WIP.

Happy writing!