Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Cool Happenings

Jeanne Stein mentioned me this week on the blog she shares with two other Denver area writers, Biting Edge." It's the first time I've been mentioned on a blog (that I know of). :D That's really cool. I'm all giggly about it!

And finally, contratulations to John Turley, from Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers (RMFW), took first place in the Bay Area Writer's League short story contest. He just signed the contract to have his story included in a new Anthology they are publishing called, "That Thing You Do, Too." John's advice to authors ... that I am sharing with you now ... "Can't publish if you don't write and can't win if you don't enter."


ssas said...

I've been enjoying that blog too. Mario is hilarious.

Vicki said...

*LOL* He really is!